A Lacrosse Weekend

Welcome to "A Lacrosse Weekend" my weekly compilation of thoughts, ideas, stories, myths, truths, about the great game of lacrosse.

I hope you enjoy it!   

- Jamie Murno, JM3 Sports


A Lacrosse Weekend 1.12.19

Welcome to "A Lacrosse Weekend" my weekly compilation of thoughts, ideas, stories, myths, truths about the great game of lacrosse. I hope you find it enjoyable.


I write you to this morning from the Philadelphia Downtown Marriott at the US Lacrosse Convention. It's always fun to see so many blasts from the past at this event, to feel the energy of 8000 lacrosse coaches, players, fans, and kids, as well as have the opportunity to listen and learn from some of the game's brightest minds.

There are endless presentations and live demos from pro players, college, HS, and pro coaches, box lacrosse, men's lacrosse and women's lacrosse.... it's an extravaganza!

Box on the Field

I will be doing a live demo at 4:45 today showing how to use box lacrosse drills and concepts to teach valuable lessons on the field. I will have a group of 14 year olds who I've never met, but I'm told are pretty good! I will do my best to mobilize the kids quickly and let the drills do the coaching. I...

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